Crow Canyon Archaelogical CenterWashington State University


Tim Kohler, Ph.D.
Washington State University
Senior Principal Investigator

Timothy (Tim) A. Kohler (Ph.D., University of Florida, 1978) is the senior principal investigator of the Village Ecodynamics Project.

He has been studying the archaeology of the northern Southwest since 1979, designing and implementing major research projects in both southwestern Colorado and northern New Mexico. His particular interests include why people choose to live where they do and why that changes through time; the many relationships between people and the ecosystems they inhabit; and why in many places societies become more hierarchical and less egalitarian as societies grow in size.

Tim has edited numerous books published by several major presses, and he is the lead editor of a University of California Press book that reports on the VEP: Emergence and Collapse of Early Villages: Models of Central Mesa Verde Archaeology (2012).

He is a regents professor in the department of anthropology, Washington State University, Pullmam; a research associate of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center; and an external professor and member of the science board at the Santa Fe Institute.

The Village Ecodynamics Project Major Partners

Our Mission
The mission of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center is to advance and share knowledge of the human experience through archaeological research, education programs,and partnerships with American Indians.

Crow Canyon is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

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National Science Foundation Mesa Verde National Park Bandelier National Monument National Park Service Denver Museum of Nature & Science National Geographic U.S. Forest Service Santa Fe Institute Bureau of Land Management - BLM School for Advanced Research Wayne State University Colorado Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Canyon of the Ancients National Monument University of Windsor University of Norte Dame New Mexico Historic Preservation Division